home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {@@@@@@@@@@@ copyright (C) 1984 by Neil J. Rubenking @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- The purchaser of these procedures and functions may include them in COMPILED
- programs freely, but may not sell or give away the source text.
- This is a fancy driver for KEYBOARD.LIB. It returns a character
- or descriptive phrase for ANY key pressed. Note, though, that the
- <Alt> + <keypad number> combinations will be rendered as their
- equivalent <Ctrl> + <letter>s. (Alt-1 = Ctrl-A, etc.)
- }
- {$I regpack.typ}
- {$I keyboard.lib}
- type
- KeyType = string[12];
- var
- KeyValue : integer;
- ASCIIcode, ScanCode : byte;
- Result : KeyType;
- {@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@}
- function Read_Keyboard: KeyType;
- var
- TempRead : KeyType;
- {============================================================}
- function SpecialKey(Code:byte):KeyType;
- const
- Row0 : KeyType = '1234567890-=';
- Row1 : KeyType = 'QWERTYUIOP';
- Row2 : KeyType = 'ASDFGHJKL';
- Row3 : KeyType = 'ZXCVBNM';
- var
- temp : KeyType;
- begin
- case code of
- 14: temp := 'BackSpace';
- 15: temp := 'Back Tab';
- 16..25: temp := 'Alt-' + Row1[code-15];
- 30..38: temp := 'Alt-' + Row2[code-29];
- 44..50: temp := 'Alt-' + Row3[code-43];
- 120..131: temp := 'Alt-' + Row0[code-119];
- 59..67: temp := 'F' + chr(code - 10);
- 68: temp := 'F10';
- 84..92: temp := 'Shift F' + chr(code-35);
- 93: temp := 'Shift F10';
- 94..102: temp := 'Ctrl-F' + chr(code-45);
- 103: temp := 'Ctrl-F10';
- 104..112: temp := 'Alt-F' + chr(code-55);
- 113: temp := 'Alt-F10';
- 71: temp := 'Home';
- 72: temp := 'Up';
- 73: temp := 'PgUp';
- 75: temp := 'Left';
- 77: temp := 'Right';
- 79: temp := 'End';
- 80: temp := 'Down';
- 81: temp := 'PgDn';
- 82: temp := 'Ins';
- 83: temp := 'Del';
- 114: temp := 'Ctrl-PrtSc';
- 115: temp := 'Ctrl-Left';
- 116: temp := 'Ctrl-Right';
- 117: temp := 'Ctrl-End';
- 118: temp := 'Ctrl-PgDn';
- 119: temp := 'Ctrl-Home';
- 132: temp := 'Ctrl-PgUp';
- else
- temp := 'Ctrl-Break';
- end; {case}
- SpecialKey := temp;
- end;
- {============================================================}
- function SpecChr(code:byte):KeyType;
- begin
- case code of
- 0..26 : SpecChr := 'Ctrl-' + chr(code + 64);
- 27 : SpecChr := 'Esc';
- 28..255 : SpecChr := chr(code);
- end;
- end;
- {============================================================}
- begin
- KeyValue := KeyBoard('W');
- ScanCode := KeyValue shr 8;
- ASCIICode := (KeyValue shl 8) shr 8;
- {The special keys that have no ASCII character generate }
- {a zero in place of the code. However, there are three }
- {non-printable characters that DO have an ASCII code. }
- {Their scan codes are 14, 15, and 28. We provide for }
- {them below. }
- if (not (ScanCode in [14,15,28])) and (ASCIICode <> 0) then
- TempRead := SpecChr(ASCIICode)
- else
- begin
- if ASCIICode <> 0 then
- begin
- case ScanCode of
- 14: TempRead := 'BackSpace';
- 15: TempRead := 'Tab';
- 28: TempRead := 'Return';
- end; {case}
- end {second if}
- else
- TempRead := SpecialKey(ScanCode);
- end; {the upper else}
- Read_Keyboard := TempRead;
- end;
- {@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@}
- begin
- WriteLn('Press various keys and key combinations.');
- WriteLn('Press <ctrl><break> to stop.');
- repeat
- Result := Read_Keyboard;
- WriteLn(Result);
- until Result = 'Ctrl-Break';
- end.